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Eqxvision is a package of popular computer vision model architectures built using Equinox.


Use the package manager pip to install eqxvision.

pip install eqxvision

requires: python>=3.7



Importing and doing a forward pass is as simple as

import jax
import jax.random as jr
import equinox as eqx
from eqxvision.models import alexnet
from eqxvision.utils import CLASSIFICATION_URLS

def forward(net, images, key):
    keys = jax.random.split(key, images.shape[0])
    output = jax.vmap(net, axis_name=('batch'))(images, key=keys)

net = alexnet(torch_weights=CLASSIFICATION_URLS['alexnet'])

images = jr.uniform(jr.PRNGKey(0), shape=(1,3,224,224))
output = forward(net, images, jr.PRNGKey(0))

What's New?#

  • FCN, DeepLabV3 and LRASPP segmentation models are now supported (checkout the tutorial).
  • Backward incompatible changes to v0.2.0 for loading a pretrained model.
  • Almost all image classification models are ported from torchvision.
  • New tutorial for generating adversarial examples and others coming soon.

Get Started!#

Start with any one of these easy to follow tutorials.


  • Better to use @equinox.filter_jit instead of @jax.jit.
  • Use jax.{v,p}map with axis_name='batch' when using models that use batch normalisation.
  • Don't forget to switch to inference mode for evaluations. (model = eqx.tree_inference(model))
  • Initialise Optax optimisers as optim.init(eqx.filter(net, eqx.is_array)). (See here.)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Development Process#

If you plan to modify the code or documentation, please follow the steps below:

  1. Fork the repository and create your branch from dev.
  2. If you have modified the code (new feature or bug-fix), please add unit tests.
  3. If you have changed APIs, update the documentation. Make sure the documentation builds. mkdocs serve
  4. Ensure the test suite passes. pytest tests -vvv
  5. Make sure your code passes the formatting checks. Automatically checked with a pre-commit hook.

